L.A. Lady

I'm a Hollywood native who's ready to spread the love for L.A. You'll be reading about my assorted adventures, nutty knitting and crochet projects, wacky and wonderful friends and whatever else I feel like yammering about. Don't forget shoes. Very important.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Random Ramblings

1. Puppets are always cute.

2. Given the choice between tile and carpet, cats will always barf on the carpet.

3. The application of mascara induces sneezing.

4. Tomfoolery is probably what Tom does while he's peeping.

5. Your nose will always itch during a manicure.

6. It's impossible to leave Target with only the one thing you went for.

7. It's also impossible to leave a shoe store with just one thing. Shoes come in pairs.

8. Never turn your back on a really good kiss. He'll get hair in his mouth, and that's just rude.

Photos and projects to come.

Later all...


Blogger Laurie Ann said...

I'm not sure I agree with #1, but the rest of them, especially #6, are too true.

10:21 PM  

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