Lo, the Queen!!!
OK, so I know it's been a while.
Hey, I've been busy!
For example, this past Halloween, I was busy rounding up victims.
And this Thanksgiving?
All bow down to your new Turkey Queen.
Many of you know that Mom and I have done dueling turkeys at the Frolic for years.
We cook, we feed everyone, and I have NEVER once made the 'best' turkey.
I have, however, made the best mac 'n cheese the world has ever known, but that's besides the point.
But this year, the reigning Queen tasted my turkey and yes, ABDICATED.
Here's my turkey:
Eat it and weep.
I got up at 4 a.m. and wrestled with a 22 lb. brined turkey, and yes, it was the best turkey EVER.
So where's my stinkin' tiara?
OK, I'll stop.
But, damn, that was a mighty juicy turkey.
Moving on...
I've been really busy with baby gifts, which, unfortunately, I don't have pictures of, but here's my new bag:
By the way, this is Beluga:
I found some lovely vinyl for a bag from Simple Gifts To Stitch (think that's the title), and made this:
After which, my mother said, "That's mine!"
OK, so she's got a new bag.
Now...you remember the lovely and talented Kimberly?
Here she is with current squeeze, Rene:
She's a quite accomplished interior designer, and when I was bemoaning having to re-organize my sewing room again, she suggested that I swatch all of my fabrics and put them in a binder.
She - is - a - genius.
So here's what I spent my Sunday doing:
Thank G-d that Godfather II was on.
This is amazing!!
All hail Kimberly. Hell, where's HER tiara?
Anyway, here's what I did on Black Friday:
I went fabric shopping, In tennies. Yup. Me. In tennies.
Just in case you were wondering...yes, 13 yards of fabric is really heavy when you're walking.
After that, we had some birthday fun. It was the B-day of a family friend, Rade (Ra-day), so here are some snaps:
Just for fun, here's a very bad-ass Doug with a monkey:
More on the monkey later.
Here's me and Doug - who, by the way, was the perfect companion to Maroon 5 -
Did I mention that I'm a muse???
It's very cool that I've been the subject of song...an honor which NEVER diminishes, don't get me wrong...but I'm in a book!
All praise Cisco, who thought me worthy of inclusion in prose:
Wanna roll me one of those, Cowboy?
(That was for him.)
Anyway, I feel badly that I've ignored this for so long.
Glad to be back.
Is anyone still checking?
Here's some appilque on ultrasuede:
Thanks to Kimberly, I actually found the ultrasuede.
More soon...promise.
Night all...